Die Zeit – 8 July 2020
The voice of the revolution
Hannah Schmidt
On the way to a really new kind of music: The British singer and composer Elaine Mitchener
On the way to a really new kind of music: The British singer and composer Elaine Mitchener
“I think we should be activists. We should work to change society.”
“With every performance I’m searching for a totality of expression, to fully unify and amplify the musical, physical, emotional, and political aspects of each work.”
“SWEET TOOTH is sonically immersive and experimental in its improvisatory approaches, referencing Kumani singing and sea shanties. It is an intense experience for the players and observers.”
“Elaine Mitchener is a singer who defies all categories — and that’s the way she likes it, she tells Chris Searle”
An interview in Italian with national newspapaer Il Manifesto about Elaine Mitchener’s latest project SWEET TOOTH.
A Q&A with Elaine Mitchener about her performance piece Sweet Tooth – a visceral, overwhelming indictment of the role sugar and the slave trade played in building the British Empire.
“My work is constantly evolving as I develop ideas and work with different artists, being challenged along the way. I approach each project with the excitement of something new and rewarding and, even if it doesn’t work, that’s okay because that’s an object lesson in itself.”