Author: pierre

Cafe Oto hosts a two-day residency with Elaine Mitchener, to mark the release of her first ever solo LP, Solo Throat, released on Otoroku. This special two-day residency centres on

Elaine curates Politics of the Voice for Courtisane Festival 2024. The voice is soul. Voice is noise. It’s what makes us unique as individuals but also powerful as a community.

Elaine Mitchener & Joan La Barbara explore the voice as a sound producing instrument. Ahead of Assembly at Somerset House, Somerset House Studios talk to two vocal artists who stretch

Apartment House’s day of delight, insight and excellence at Wigmore Hall

Christopher Woodley

“Mitchener’s versatility was to the fore in a graphic rendition of the piece, producing a tightly controlled primal scream as she literally found her voice, all aglow with the light of her upper range.”

Elaine is invited to curate this Mix for dublab: Hamilton, Lewis, Sanders, Cole, Bernard, de Saram, Hallett, Regina, Usui, Fermont, Masaoka, Lixenberg, Kalulé, Cox, Wall & Rodgers, Saviet, Das, Ortiz,

Change of Future

Stewart Smith

“Pushing boundaries is nothing new for experimental vocalist Elaine Mitchener. Stewart Smith hears how her bold reworking of songs plays an important role in promoting the work of black avant-garde composers.”