14 June 2014
Spitalfields Festival, London UK
Talk and film showing of ‘Of Leonardo da Vinci’ (Toop/Lewis/Mitchener) as part of ‘Voice and Lens’.
Talk and film showing of ‘Of Leonardo da Vinci’ (Toop/Lewis/Mitchener) as part of ‘Voice and Lens’.
Robert Wyatt’s Cuckooland – remixed live performance (Matthew Wright, Tony Hymas, Brodsky Quartet)
Workshop performance of The Last Siren – a music theatre piece conceived and written by Ian Wilson in collaboration with sound art collective THE QUIET CLUB, director Ksenija Krnajski.
[dis]comfort[ing] + neither gudgeons nor capooses, 2 x work-in-progress performance pieces for voice/movement/sax (with Dam Van Huynh and Jason Yarde) for David Toop’s Archive Breathing, Offering Rites
The Langston Project with Hasse Paulsen, Luc Ex and Mark Sanders
The Langston Project with Hasse Paulsen, Luc Ex and Mark Sanders
UK tour with Joanna MacGregor, Tom Arthurs, Olly Coates, Sam Britton produced by SoundUK
Manga Scroll, KABOOM! Comics in Art
Gesundheit! – R&D of a new dance piece created by choreographer Dam van Huynh exploring movement and voice presented at Rich Mix, London