2-30 September 2020
The Showroom – London
Piece for solo percussive pianist commissioned by Reece Ewing as part of IN·FLO·RES·CENCE
Piece for solo percussive pianist commissioned by Reece Ewing as part of IN·FLO·RES·CENCE
“Curating Diversity in Europe” Symposium
The symposium “Curating Diversity in Europe”, taking place online (September 25, 2020) and offline (May 2021), offers a platform for keeping the discourse on diversity in contemporary music in Europe alive, developing potentials for transformation during a time of limited international encounters and swelling nationalistic currents.
Alvin Lucier’s Bird and Person Dyning
Please note that this event will be livestreamed on the OTO website. There will be no audience in the Cafe itself.
the then + the now = nowtime
Part of Ruhrtriennale
CAFE OTO FUNDRAISER: Elaine Mitchener (solo) + Kerry Yong (solo)
Part of Borealis
Norwegian Premiere
Opening night performance of Memorial by George E. Lewis written for Mitchener as part of the festival’s opening concert.
Part of Borealis
Alexander Hawkins / Elaine Mitchener Quartet
Part of Just Music Festival
Elaine performs with Apartment House work by Jackson Mac Low